Basic Principles of Process Modelling


  • G. A. Almásy
  • K. Kollár-Hunek



The principle of systems and process engineering was introduced into mathematical modelling in the middles of 20-th century by Bertalanffy, Mesarovič, Kalman, Zadeh, Benedek and others. Himmelblau and Bischoff showed that population balance problems, i.e., processes described with another independent variable than a physical space variable, can be solved by differential equations similarly to the transport equations. Essentially the same concepts are used – even with different names – in the theory of chemical, petrochemical, ceramic, food, biochemical process engineering, building material production, metallurgy, nuclear engineering and maybe in other fields of applied chemistry or physics. The differences in the nomenclature and treatment make difficulties transferring the theoretical bases and ways of solution of different problems from one field already solved to an other one. The aim of this paper is to define the processes, so that all models shall be given a common mathematical background, all models can be deduced therefrom. The postulates listed here can also serve as definitions of processes, process engineers deal with. To sum up the main concepts of process engineering is also worthwhile to identify and support the most important I/O elements in a process approached Quality Management System for different fields of industry.




How to Cite

Almásy, G. A., & Kollár-Hunek, K. (2005). Basic Principles of Process Modelling. Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 33(1-2).