New Chaining Criteria in Dipolar Fluids Based on Monte Carlo Simulations


  • Sándor Nagy



dipolar fluids, chain formation, energy criterion


A new energy-based chaining criterion was introduced in dipolar systems based on an earlier article by the author, in which the probability of chaining for adjacent particles in a new formula of magnetic susceptibility was used. The probability of chaining and the magnitude of the energy criterion can be calculated from the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation values of magnetic susceptibility. The energy criterion also depends on the dipole moment and the density. At high densities, the energy criterion is well below 70-75%. In addition, it was confirmed by simulation results that the chain length distribution follows a geometric distribution. How the probability of chaining depends on the energy criterion was given empirically and two parameters were fitted to it.

Author Biography

Sándor Nagy

Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre, Eötvös Loránd University, Károlyi Gáspár tér 4. A-building, 9700 Szombathely, HUNGARY, Institute of Mechatronics Engineering and Research, University of Pannonia, Gasparich Márk u. 18/A, 8900 Zalaegerszeg, HUNGARY




How to Cite

Nagy, S. (2020). New Chaining Criteria in Dipolar Fluids Based on Monte Carlo Simulations. Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 48(2), 55–58.