Nonlinear Dielectric Effect of Two-Component Dipolar Fluids


  • S. Nagy
  • I. Szalai



We studied the linear and nonlinear dielectric effects in two-component dipolar hard sphere mixtures. In our approach the hard spheres differ by their dipole moments but their diameters are the same. Within the framework of the mean spherical approximation we extended the results of our previous work and realized that the formulas which apply to one-component case are readily applicable to mixtures. We performed canonical Monte Carlo (MC) simulations for three different binary mixtures for various compositions of the components. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the corresponding MC simulation data. The linear and the nonlinear dielectric permittivities obtained from MC simulations are determined from the fluctuation formulas of the total dipole moment of the system in the absence of an applied electric field.




How to Cite

Nonlinear Dielectric Effect of Two-Component Dipolar Fluids. (2010). Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 38(1).