Study of Green Hydrogen-Air Mixture Formation in a Closed Chamber With a Given Composition


  • Olga Shypul
  • Vadym Garin
  • Vitalii Myntiuk
  • Attila Egedy



green hydrogen, fuel mixture, evaluation criteria of fuel mixture, numerical simulation, mixture generation


The subject of this study is the formation of a hydrogen-air fuel mixture with a given composition and the required degree of homogeneity in a closed chamber while taking into consideration conditions for generating hydrogen by an electrolytic method. This study includes an industrial technology fueled by combustible gases to process thermoplastic parts. The motivation behind this research is the transition to carbon-free processing technology, which would not only reduce emissions and is in line with the concept of a climate-neutral industry but also raises the level of safety with regard to these technologies to a high level. One of the main conditions of high-quality thermal processing fueled by combustible gases is still the precise quality control of the composition of the mixture and its operating pressure. Based on the specific requirements of the researched technology, a mathematical model for generating fuel mixtures was developed, which determines the characteristics of a multi-component gas mixture while the working chamber is filling and during the holding period after the gas supply has stopped. The developed mathematical model is supplemented with criteria for evaluating the quality of the fuel mixture. A numerical study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) was conducted to assess the specified criteria required to achieve a quality fuel mixture.

Author Biographies

  • Olga Shypul

    National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, 17 Chkalova Str., Kharkiv, 61070, UKRAINE

  • Vadym Garin

    National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, 17 Chkalova Str., Kharkiv, 61070, UKRAINE

  • Vitalii Myntiuk

    National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, 17 Chkalova Str., Kharkiv, 61070, UKRAINE

  • Attila Egedy

    Department of Process Engineering, University of Pannonia, Egyetem u. 10, Veszprém, 8200, HUNGARY




How to Cite

Study of Green Hydrogen-Air Mixture Formation in a Closed Chamber With a Given Composition. (2024). Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry, 52(2), 57-62.